Thursday, August 12, 2010

Rain, Rain, Go Away...

I have always liked thunderstorms. I enjoy watching them roll in. I like seeing how the clouds darken and change. I like how they cool things off. I like watching the patterns of the lightening. However, I think I have had enough.

We need time to dry out. We need time to clean up. We need help cleaning up. When I say "we", I mean Iowans. Those of us in Ames are really struggling with this water. I made a couple of trips today and was overwhelmed by the sheer volume of water. There are fields that look like lakes. There are streets that look like creeks. Records are set and records are broken. I took this excerpt from the Ames Tribune:

Update, 7 p.m.: Skunk River sets record crest

The South Skunk River crested Wednesday more than a foot above record flood level, according to the National Weather Service.

The South Skunk River crested at 26.7 feet near U.S. Highway 30 at about 10 a.m. The previous record was 25.6 feet, set on June 26, 1975. Flood stage is 20 feet.

The river was at 26.2 feet and falling at 5 p.m.

The river rose to 19.3 feet at West Riverside Drive. The record level was 20.9 feet on June 17, 1996, and flood stage is 14 feet.

Squaw Creek at Lincoln Way came within inches of the 18.5-foot record set on July 9, 1993. Flood stage is 9 feet.

The creek was at 18.5 feet and falling at 5 p.m.

Both waterways are forecast to fall below flood stage Thursday.

The next chance for rain is after 1 a.m. Friday, according to the National Weather Service.

• • •

We are literally surrounded by water. The Skunk River is one one side of town from us. The Squaw Creek is on the other. I couldn't even get out of Ames to go to Boone, the town my school is in yesterday. Water had receded to the point this morning that I could go over one of the roads that was closed yesterday. Chris was able to work today, but, it was modified routes. There are still roads that are inaccessible.

Now, we are hearing more storms are on the way. Starting tonight and into tomorrow. We have flood warnings until 7:00 tomorrow night. There have been EIGHT water main breaks. The water restrictions are starting to get to me. I honestly don't like having to use bottled water to cook. I made the kids re-use bath water last night. I then made them leave it in the tub to help flush toilets. I boiled water for us to store. There have been companies donating water, and that is wonderful. Lesson learned on the water. From now on, whenever I see bottled water on sale, I will be purchasing and stocking up.

However, the expense of having to purchase unexpected things like paper goods I wouldn't normally buy is getting to me. The seepage in the basement has really frustrated me now. We had so many boxes down there that are now ruined. There were also thing stored in those boxes. I plan on spending the day Saturday sorting through and working through the mess. Unfortunately for me, Chris has to work Saturday. I am going to have to do it with the children's help. We are also going to have to put out a lot of money for plastic totes. I apologize if I sound whiny here. I am just getting frustrated. I am ready for the rain to be over. I don't want to have to worry about what is in the basement being ruined by a little bit of water seeping in.

I know that we have been blessed way more than some other people. We are still in our home. We have not had to evacuate. We do not have standing water or mud in our basement. My family is healthy and safe. Thank you, Lord for these things. Help me to continue to be grateful for the gifts we have been given. But, Lord, please, we have had enough!:)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It will be get better. I will be praying for you and the other families in your area.
I can't even begin to imagine what Noah and the others thought when God flood the Earth. But know you have a glimpse and understanding of what they experienced. WOW!
Be Blessed.