The post I was referring to was the one where I was talking about how much I love a fire or fireplace. I have even cooked with wood before. I loved it! I know it would be hard to do all the time and not as convenient as gas or electric, but, I enjoyed it.
Another reason I feel that way is because of how much I love to garden. If I could have a vegetable garden every summer, I would do it. I haven't had many opportunities to grow vegetables living in the city so much, but, I would. To me there is nothing like home grown, home canned vegetables. Whenever I get a chance, I go to farmer's markets and buy fresh vegetables. I even found a place here where you can pick your own! That makes me happy! I just recently used the last of the green beans I had put up from the summer. They were frozen, but, still very good!
While I love the convenience of driving where ever I want, it would be awesome to have some horses. I love to ride horses. I would keep and ride horses if I could. Once again, living in the city, I can't do that.
Some of my favorite books to read are from the pioneer days. I know those people suffered hardship and worked very hard for what they had, but, I very much enjoy reading about how they help shaped the society in which we live today. They were honest and real and so unlike so many people today. The things they had meant something to them. They weren't things to take for granted. I think that is one reason why it appeals to me so much. They knew the value of what they had and how they got it. We are so spoiled today.
Probably the only drawback for me had I been born back then is the clothes. I honestly can't see myself wearing dresses or skirts day after day. I do enjoy the practicality of pants. I have never really been a jeans wearer, though. Dressing down for me is dressing up to some. Of course, had I been born then and that was all I knew, I guess I would have worn dresses all the time, too. Guess I will never know...