I have a few things to get off my chest. Regardless of which way you sympathize with recent nationally televised events, I ask you read through this blog before passing judgement. I also ask that you respect my right as an individual to my opinion, as I will respect yours. You may respectfully disagree at any time. However, I reserve the right to remove any posts I feel are disrespectful towards me, my opinion, or any other person with an opinion.
I am tired. I am so tired of the media. I am so tired of extremists. I am so tired of people thinking there is only one way to think, act, or just be. If you cannot open your mind to the possibility that your way is not the only way, you need to live yourself in a sheltered little bubble, alone, with nobody around who may disagree with you. We are all entitled to our beliefs, rights, and opinions. We are not entitled to your beliefs, rights, opinions.
On to recent media events. I am so disgusted with the way "Americans" have reacted to the trial and verdict. I'm disgusted with the sensationalism the media has thrown on it. When are people going to realize that violence is NOT a race issue? When are people going to realize that EVERY race experiences violence. When are people going to realize that white on white, black on black, hispanic on hispanic violence happens MORE than race on race? When are people going to realize that violence doesn't END violence?
"Let's riot because a white man killed a black boy!" Sounds like a good idea? Right? What about all the white people you are injuring who had nothing to do with this? Is it their payback for having the wrong skin color? Aren't you just perpetuating the stereotype that just came about? Why is it that our president and the man who killed a black boy both have a white parent, but, the media and general public are only referring to one of them as white? I'll tell you the truth, I was confused when I saw the man and his last name. The last name you expect for a white person, he didn't look white...oh wait. Did I just make a judgement call based on skin color? Don't lie. Many of you did the same thing.
Why does the media do this? Why do we, as Americans ALLOW the media to do this? I am of mixed cultures. Almost every American is of mixed cultures. Which part of your culture or heritage is better than the other? Which part makes it ok for you to say you are better than another? The only true Americans I know, tend to have a darker skin color than many. I know. Many of them are my family. But, the other parts of my family are fair haired and fair skinned. Does that make them less because they weren't "here first"? Does it make a black person less because they aren't as fair skinned as my darker relatives?
Let's go back to the media question. WHY was this case so important that it had to be televised EVERY day? What about it made it such a big deal? I'm going to point out a court case that has been going on for SIX years, now. Two white kids were carjacked, tortured, raped and murdered by three black guys and one black girl in TN. One of the guys just got awarded yet another trial. This has been going on for six years, now. SIX! How many of you outside of TN have heard of this? Not many. Why is that? I truly, honestly believe that the media WANTS to keep people in an uproar. The media WANTS to have their sensationalistic stories that they KNOW will keep people riled. Folks, if you didn't buy into their crap, they wouldn't have anything to report. If we didn't react they way they wanted us to, their business would go down. STOP letting the media determine your reactions.THEY are the ones who put spin on things. THEY are the ones telling people what to think and how to react. Why do you think they have "analysts"? Analysts have bias. They are not fair and impartial.
Ok. I'm sure you are wondering how I feel, personally about what happened. Here's my thing. Z was an idiot. He was a wannabe cop with a violent history. M was not just an innocent kid in the wrong place at the wrong time. I don't think Z "profiled" him. I think he saw someone he didn't recognize and over-reacted. M has a violent history, too. He, too, had skeletons in his closet that show a very different story than the media and prosecution tried to portray. Z never should have been carrying a gun and trying to act the hero. He wanted to notoriety of being the "good guy" who "saved the day". M may have just wanted his skittles and tea, but, his lifestyle choices tell a different story, now. Did Z know that? No. Did he deserve to get off for murder? Probably. Manslaughter? I'm not so sure. In my mind, it was manslaughter. We will never know who attacked first. We will never know all the details of what happened. What I do know is that neither family will ever be the same. M may have grown out of his what I'll call "wannbe thug phase" and Z may not have been in this situation had he not been a hothead.
Truth is, what Americans need to do is learn from this, embrace our differences, STOP being scared of each other, and GROW UP! Solve your problems like adults. Discuss your differences as human beings. STOP throwing temper tantrums like a two-year-old who doesn't get his way! People aren't born racist. It's taught. Who is teaching you?