There is only one reason why I dislike being a teacher. My children. It is very hard to be a teaching parent, sometimes. I have never taken my children to school on their first day of school and that kind of stinks. It made me really sad this morning when I realized that my baby boy is going into the second grade and the only times I have ever taken him to school or picked him up have been when I was out for a sick day or we had a different Spring Break.
I rarely get to attend parent/teacher conferences. I am usually at work talking to other parents. I get to know my children’s teachers through email. I have met support staff at my kids’ schools in places like Wal-Mart or the pool because I don’t often get to be in their schools. This morning, I was almost in tears wishing I could be home when my kids get there today with some warm chocolate chip cookies and milk waiting for them. That will most likely never be.
Now, don’t get me wrong. ANYONE who knows me KNOWS how much I love being a teacher and how much I love my kids. My kids are a huge reason why I AM a teacher. I do get holidays and most school breaks off with them. We get to hang out and spend time together and do all sorts of fun stuff. However, it can be difficult to be unable to be there with my darlings when they are having their first days. Today, for example, I had to leave before all four children left for school. I also will not be home for several hours after them due to Open House at my school. I will miss hearing how the first day went until this evening and that kind of hurts.
Now, would I change it? No. The kids are used to it and it probably doesn’t bother them as much as it bothers me. They do tend to get upset when I can’t go on field trips. That hurts sometimes. I don’t usually get to help out when they have days for parents to come to school. I send baked goods or money as often as I can, but, sometimes it doesn’t feel like enough. I love my children and I love my job. I guess, in the end, I face the same dilemma as most working moms. It just hits me a little bit more in the face because of my chosen profession. :)