Alzheimer's is so difficult to deal with. It is hard to watch someone suffer and lose their faculties. It was especially hard to watch Daddy. He was always a hard-working man. He was also a young man. Daddy was diagnosed with Early-Onset Alzheimer's at 52 years of age.
He could talk a person's ears off. He loved to talk about his girls. He was so proud of his daughters and grandchildren. He was always pulling out pictures to show people. He would ask people, "Guess how many grandchildren I have now?!" And he liked to say, "I'm young to have so many grandchildren, huh?" He was constantly talking about our accomplishments to anyone who would listen and probably some who didn't want to :)
I learned a lot about my family the last couple of weeks. I learned that my mother is stronger than any of us thought she was. I also learned that she and Daddy faced the reality of his disease a long time ago when they pre-planned a number of things for his funeral. I re-learned that my sisters are amazing women who are strong, thoughtful, and caring. I learned that the men we married are strong and helpful. I learned that the grandchildren are all tender and sympathetic. They all respond to the emotions around them and are some of the most loving children you have ever seen.
I learned a lot about my friends this week. I learned that I have more forever friends than I ever thought I had. I had friends willing to spend hours at my side, take time off work, or drive long distances to support me. I had friends send cards, money, and flowers.
I learned that I work for an amazing school system. I received cards, money, and flowers from a system I have only worked for since August. I had people step in and take care of business for me in Iowa when I had to be in Georgia. When I returned, they were sympathetic and caring. Even my kids were sympathetic and thoughtful.
Even though I have struggled, been stressed, sad, and temperamental, this experience has made me stronger. I have learned that my capacity to love has helped me get through the pain. The love I have given has been returned hundred-fold. I am so thankful for the people God has placed in my life, those for a reason, those for a season and those forever.