This post is either going to be popular or hated and I honestly couldn't care either way. I typically try to stay out of hot-button topics. I get aggravated when people push their own agenda constantly and shove it down other's throats. I stay out of things for multiple reasons. One reason is because of my job. I have learned that being in education, your personal and political beliefs can be placed under a lot of scrutiny and can cause you problems you don't want to deal with. Another reason is because I fell everyone has a God-given, constitutionally given right to his or her own opinion and beliefs.
Now, on to the hot-button topic I usually try to avoid. I am honestly sick of both sides of this debate. The only thing I am hearing from anyone is how wrong the other one is. Really? How about you are BOTH wrong. The innocent party here is the company. What??!! Yes. I said it.
Everyone is talking about how wrong or how right Mr. Cathy was with what he said. How many actually took the time to read EXACTLY what was said? He never mentioned LGBT. He simply said what they DO support. He calls it "traditional marriage". Ok, everyone knows what that means. But, he did NOT in fact bash anyone. Guess what, folks, it's his company and his opinion. He has a right to do that.
On the other side of the issue, we have all the people crying foul. Guess what folks, it's their right to do that. Each and every person in this country has that constitutional right to say what he or she thinks. Those who don't support his opinion have the right to choose NOT to eat at Chick-Fil-A. People who do support it have a right to eat there. People who don't care can eat there when they want to either way.
The overwhelming thing I have heard from both sides is hate. That is what bothers me the most. Everyone says we have to love each other. It's scriptural. Love your neighbor. Who is my neighbor? Everyone. My gay neighbor, my straight neighbor, my Muslim neighbor, my Christian neighbor, my white neighbor, my black neighbor. I am commanded to love them. That doesn't mean, "love them as long as they have the same opinion I do." It doesn't mean, "love them as long as they support the things I do." It just says LOVE.
Guess what...I HATE basketball. Can't stand it. Don't get it. Don't understand why people watch it. Guess what else, I am not going to stop being friends with people who do like it. I am not going to disown my kids who want to play it. I am not going to step on their constitutional right to talk about basketball in open forum or own a basketball team some day (even though we all know football is WAY better!). Do you know why I am not going to do any of that? Because, even though, in MY opinion, basketball is ridiculous, I refuse to FORCE my opinion on anyone else. I am trying, very hard, to love people regardless. THAT is what I would like to see other people doing.
I have opinions. I have beliefs. I have ideas. They are mine. If someone else shares them, that's great. If someone doesn't, that's that person's right. I firmly believe that. What I don't want is people telling me I can or cannot eat somewhere, purchase a product, or visit a store because it doesn't adhere to YOUR beliefs. My belief is that Chick-Fil-A has the BEST chicken nuggets and chicken biscuits anywhere, and, if I want one, I'll eat it because it's not MY job to be anyone's judge....