Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Thanks for Breaking My Heart, Jesus

Y'all, I've had a rough time. I've been stressed and wanting my sense of normalcy back. I had a medical procedure go poorly yesterday on top of all the illness I've dealt with in the last month. I've been cooped up with the same people for a LONG time and they are getting. on. my. NERVES!

I'm actually known as a pretty darn patient person. BUT, every once in a while, I reach my limit. And, as my family can tell you, once it's reached, it's not pretty. Once things get to "not pretty", it's ugly. I'm ugly. I was ugly this morning.

I lost my temper with my son. I yelled. Loudly. In case you aren't aware, males do occasionally have hearing problems when it comes to female voices. At least, that's the way it works in my house. That was the final straw for me this morning. I even stormed out of the house and slammed the door. We've lived in this house for nearly five years. I do believe that was the first time I've left the house and slammed the door if that tells you anything about my patience and tolerance.

Out of habit, I turned right on my sidewalk and just started walking. This is where the heartbreak comes in. About a block from my house is a "Blessing Box". Mama and I, but, especially Mama have been putting food in it as often as we can. Mama's heart has been breaking for people who are struggling with food right now.

As I got near, I saw a young woman stealthily approach the box, look around, and take one thing out. She put it in her bag and quickly started walking away. She looked at me once or twice. I gave hear a weak smile and she continued walking. We headed in the same direction and she looked at me once more before quickly walking ahead of me.

I wanted to and I didn't do it. I wanted to ask her if she was okay. I wanted to see if she needed help. I wanted to call out to her and aske her to come talk to me. Then, she put on some headphones and quickly walked farther ahead of me. I couldn't walk faster due to my procedure. My lips somehow froze together. My jaws were too tight to work.

I broke my own heart. Jesus convicted my heart. I help and give all the time. Why couldn't I say something this time? Probably because I was so focused on my issue and my temper tantrum that I couldn't get out of it. My problems are not as big as this. My problems are so minor compared to a young woman who has to take a free can of food. No amount of frustration with my child or anyone else I live with is worthy of yelling or a slammed door.

I'm sorry, Jesus, I'm sorry people I live with, and I'm sorry mysterious young lady. I'll do better next time. I'll remember who I am and Who I represent. I'll make sure that not only is that box full of food, but my heart stays full of the love I have for the ones I love and the people I've never met. I'm blessed. So very blessed that I'm able to bless others and I should remember that before I decide to, as so many Southerners would say, bless someone out.

Love Y'all!

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Just wear a mask!

I've hidden several people due to their spreading of undocumented, scare tactic, conspiracy theory type posts. I will continue to do this until I am left with only people willing to find and exhibit factual evidence to support their posts. I saw a video yesterday of a guy who claims he was treated unfairly by Menard's because of their mask policy. After watching the video, Chris and I had a rather heated discussion because he hates wearing a mask to work or to stores and doesn't appreciate that there are stores requiring customers to wear masks. I, on the other hand, do appreciate it.
Here's why. Since March, I have had pneumonia twice (hospitalized for four days the second time), presumably the flu, an ear infection, a sinus infection and am currently fighting of viral bronchiolitis. I've been tested for Covid-19 TWICE and come back negative both times. I'm seriously considering being serologically tested to see if I had it in the past. So, back to the science behind the masks. I'm seeing a LOT of "masks don't help" and "masks do more harm than good" along with, "if you're going to wear a mask, you should wear gloves, too."
Covid-19 can be killed by hand sanitizer. It must be at least 60% alcohol. Thus, the need for gloves is virtually nothing if you are using sanitizer appropriately. Also, if you aren't using gloves appropriately (like changing between every interaction), you're safer without that fake safety net.
Washing your hands can wash the virus down the drain and can also effectively kill the virus IF you wash appropriately. Soap breaks apart the outer membrane of the virus causing it to break open and die. Again, no need for gloves IF you do this regularly when out in public.
Coronavirus enters the body through every facial opening including your eyes. Therefore, if both people are wearing a mask when interacting, the likelihood of transmission is greatly reduced.
Coronavirus can live on surfaces. How long varies between four and 72 hours depending on the type of surface. Therefore, a mask can help keep the virus from being spread to these surfaces by another person.
Just talking with another person can spread the virus. I tell my students all the time that when they "see their breath" in the winter, it's because of the water molecules they are exhaling. Viruses like water. You exhale water every single time you talk. Therefore, you or someone you are speaking with could be exhaling the virus.
The number of asymptomatic carriers is on the rise. When we were children, my middle sister and I kept getting strep throat. My baby sister didn't. Through a series of doctor visits, it was determined that my youngest sister was an asymptomatic carrier. Once she had her tonsils out, my middle sister and I didn't have strep again for YEARS. Let that sink in. This virus is very much the same in that regard. Just as when you were kids some people had awful bouts of chicken pox and others not so much. But, mostly, at my age, we all have about the same immunity to it regardless of how ill we might have been.
Fact: The virus started in an animal. It transmitted to humans and has spread through human to human contact. However, it is now spreading to pets.
It's not the government trying to make you conform. Those stores that want you to wear a mask are considered private property. It has zero to do with the government. They have every legal right to ask you to wear a mask.
Now, here's the little bit of opinion in all of this. It won't kill most people to wear a mask. It's not really taking away anyone's civil liberties to ask them to protect themselves and others. My mother has to get plasma infusions every four weeks because her immune system is so weak. Obviously, mine's not exactly up to snuff, either (stupid tick bite). Asking you to wear a mask is extremely helpful to people like me and like my mother. Yes, we are staying home as much as possible. However, there are, on occasion, those times that getting out is simply unavoidable. So, if you've gotten to the end of this, I'm asking that you consider wearing that mask for all those people like me who "don't look sick", for all those people who have the virus but "don't look sick" in order to protect yourself, and even for your furbabies in order to keep them safe, as well.