Well, we've survived yet another election process. And, surprise, surprise, tons of people are still angry. It seems that we cannot hold elections like we used to. You know, back when everyone had a vote, used their vote and accepted outcomes. Nowadays, it's become "I voted and it had better go my way or I'm going to be upset about it and let the world know!" This is a big part of the reason I stay quiet about my beliefs, values, and votes except for with those to whom I am especially close. It's really not anyone's business but mine. Though, I'm proud to see politicians finally starting to call for civility. However, I feel that with social media, that will never happen. Until politicians step up and start using social media responsibly and civilly, how can we expect Everyday Joe to do it?
I know that there were a lot of issues that had people going this time around. Those issues get people really "fired up" so to speak. I was recently trying to have a civil discussion with someone. I had an opposing point of view. This person was SO determined to be "right" that this person was unwilling to attempt to have discourse. It ended when the original poster deleted the person. Though the person's point of view was in line with the original poster. When did "right" take over decency? Though it was a discussion on social media, I still felt like I was being "shouted down" so to speak. Some people are just what I call "frothers", they are absolutely so rabid about their way being the only way that, in my mind, I picture them foaming at the mouth as they speak.
I also recently had someone with whom I am especially close ask me why I hadn't purged my friends list. The best answer I could come up with at the time was "it's complicated." Now, I have a better answer. It's because I cannot show a person Christ's love by "deleting" them. I cannot be a light in the world if I cause my light to go dark in someone else's world. Don't get me wrong, I'm no perfect by any stretch of the imagination. I HAVE deleted in the past when someone was downright nasty to me or others for having differing viewpoints. But, at this current time, and in this current state, I simply feel like I HAVE to keep doing good even if it means having contentious people on my social media. I feel like that's what God would have me to do. I'll keep doing my soft answers and turning away wrath.
Speaking of the love of Jesus, I saw something the other day that had me thinking. It said something to the effect of "Jesus wouldn't be at the wall, He'd be in that caravan." And, I had to agree. That is a MOSTLY accurate post with something missing. Jesus WOULD be with those people. He'd be healing the sick, forgiving sins, even feeding the 5,000. However, I feel like, as with the woman at the well, He'd also be sending them home to tell others what He had done.
To be perfectly honest, I don't know that I have a single person on any of my social media with whom I agree on everything. Not one. Not even my husband. What a boring bunch of robots we would be if that were the case. What a dull life we would have if everyone agreed on everything all the time. However, I must say, if I can have a conversation with you about the fact that chocolate is the greatest ice cream flavor of the big three without it becoming overtly nasty, shouldn't we also be able to have political discussions the same way? Just my thoughts. Love to all.