Saturday, January 1, 2011


I have never really been one to make New Year's Resolutions. I often find it an exercise in folly. I don't want to make resolutions because, I know I will inevitably end up breaking them. So, why give myself cause to be disappointed in myself? I can usually find something about myself to be disappointed in without setting myself up for failure. No, I am not trying to be a downer or act like I am so inferior and the most disappointing person I know. I am just being realistic.

I sometimes wonder why other people make resolutions. I have seen people make them knowing they are unrealistic. It seems some people will make a resolution for the simple purpose of breaking it. For some, a resolution is a reason to fail. I don't like feeling like a failure.

Having said all of that, I have decided to make some resolutions this year. It may once again be an exercise in folly, however, maybe by putting it out here in such a public forum, I will have more incentive to stick with it. There are just a few things I want to do and would like to be held accountable for these things.

1) I want to keep in even better touch with important people in my life. I need to get better about sending emails, cards, facebook messages, text messages, and making phone calls. I resolve to contact, personally, at least one different person per week to check up on that person or fill that person in on what is happening with us.

2) I want to keep up with my blog better. I have had a number of people tell me they enjoy it, but, I know I am not doing it often enough. I resolve to add at least one recipe, coupon tip, or entry per week.

3) I really do want to get in better shape. We bought a Wii Fit for the kids. I have enjoyed the few times I worked out on it, but, it is a BUTT kicker! However, nothing comes without sacrifice. I have never really been willing or dedicated enough to make that sacrifice. I resolve to do 30 minutes at least 5 times a week, cook healthier at home, and eat better at work.

4) I want to be a steward of what God has given me. I don't simply mean money, here. I really mean more along the lines of the talents He has given me. I have struggled with the whole "Preacher's Wife" persona. I am NOT musically gifted. I can't play an instrument and I can't sing. It always makes me feel bad when someone says something to Chris about preaching for them and immediately turns to me and asks if I sing. Sorry. God did not gift me in that way. However, I do have talents that I can hone and use better. I need to improve my Spanish speaking ability. I want to help Chris reach out to people in the community so we can start building a foundation for our ministry. I resolve to be intentional in enhancing the gifts I do have, such as studying Spanish and meeting new people.

I hope I can keep up with these four things. I really feel like I will be happier and healthier this year if I can stick with it and make it work for me. Pray for me!

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