Tuesday, July 19, 2016

My Heart is as Broken as Our Country

This is my country! Land of my birth!
This is my country! Grandest on earth! This is my country!
Land of my birth!
This is my country! Grandest on earth!
I pledge thee my allegiance, America, the bold,
For this is my country to have and to hold.
What diff'rence if I hail from North or South
Or from the East or West?
My heart is filled with love for all of these.
I only know I swell with pride and deep within my breast
I thrill to see Old Glory paint the breeze.
With hand upon heart I thank the Lord For this my native land,
For all I love is here within her gates.
My soul is rooted deeply in the soil on which I stand,
For these are mine own United States.
This is my country! Land of my choice!
This is my country! Hear my proud voice!
I pledge thee my allegiance, America, the bold,
For this is my country! To have and to hold.
Written by: Don Raye, Al Jacobs

I learned this song a very long time ago. I wasn't even a preteen. 
I was so proud to be a Girl Scout. I dove into everything there 
was to offer. I earned badges left and right. I had friends. Many 
friends from all over. Daddy was in the military. We were exposed
to everyone from everywhere. 

I learned to make homemade tortillas from my mother's friend. I 
might have been 11 years old at the time. She was from Puerto 
Rico.  We stayed with them while Mama ad Daddy took a short 
vacation. We loved her and her family. We loved all of our friends. 
We didn't know there was such a thing as race problems or 
inequality. Where we were, everyone was the same. 

I was always so proud of that song and the National Anthem. My 
heart still swells and I get teary when I hear the National Anthem. 
But, this isn't MY country. It's OUR country. It's always been OUR 
country. But, right now, everyone is acting like it's "MY" country. 
This isn't that country I knew as a child. This isn't the acceptance 
learned as a youngster. There is so much more violence, hate, 
bigotry, division, and racism. My older eyes see it. My younger 
heart  is crying because of it. I've raised my children the way I knew 
to raise them. We accept everyone. We love everyone. Hate takes 
too much  energy. Hate takes time to teach. Divisiveness starts with 
a tiny spark that can cause a great explosion. 

I look at all of the things happening today and I can only ask why. 
Why did we let our nation get like this? Why did we teach our 
children hate  instead of love? Why did our world become so selfish? 
Why are we allowing the hate to spread like wildfire? Why are we not 
dousing the fire with love, patience, and understanding? Why are we 
so unwilling to compromise? Why is it only one way or the other? 
The only answer I have is SELF. 

People have become lovers of self. People have become selfish. 
People have become so focused on themselves they refuse to 
acknowledge others. They refuse to see that someone else has an 
idea. They refuse to see that someone might need help. They 
refuse to look past a pigment to the same beating heart. The 
same color of blood. The same organs that perform the same 
purposes. One doesn't work without the other. We cannot work 
without each other. This country cannot work without all of us. 

If your child wanted to date someone who you knew had a bad 
reputation, would you be apprehensive? Would you try to stop it? 
Would you ground your child? Would you react first when the kid 
showed up at the door and ask questions later? If you were a cop 
who was about to arrest someone who you knew had a huge rap 
sheet, would you be apprehensive? Would you react first and ask 
questions later? I'm NOT defending the fact that people have 
died. I'm not getting into any of the statistics of race and crime, 
here. You'll not drag me into any debates about proportionality and 
disproportionality. I'm not saying anyone is right or wrong. I'm 
simply saying that nothing is ever as black and white as people 
selfishly want to make it. 

I'm so saddened by the recent reports of people refusing to serve 
police officers. How can one summarily decide all officers are 
bad? How can you refuse service to those who have dedicated their 
lives "to protect and serve" YOU? I've been a mother for a very long 
time. I don't believe I have EVER punished all of my children for the 
actions of one. Even my identical twins are two distinct people who 
deserve to be treated as such. My boys are not a "unit". Police 
officers work for a unit and can work as a unit. However, all  are 
individuals. Just as I could never paint all men with the same brush 
because one or two hurt me, all police officers cannot be painted 
with the same brush as some who overreact, act too quickly or 
harshly, or, are just bad guys.  

I agree that voices need to be heard. I agree that changes need 
to be made. Do you agree that change starts with you? Nothing 
ever changes with violence. Violence begets violence. If someone 
comes at me with violence, I'll protect myself as violently. If 
someone comes to me willing to talk, willing to discuss, willing to 
have open and honest discourse, I'll meet halfway and further. 
Organizing is amazing. When people are willing to work, willing to 
organize, big changes can happen. But, while you're working on 
your protest, take a minute to be selfless. Hand your unopened 
bottle of water to the homeless guy sitting and watching your 
protest. Pick up the candy wrapper the chick in front of you just 
dropped. Clean up the city park and have your organizational 
meeting there. 

I'm going to end this with this last bit of thought. Everyone, 
everywhere do yourselves and everyone around you a favor. 
Turn OFF the news, close OUT your social media, disconnect 
FROM the Internet and LOOK around you. What do you see? 
What do you look like? Look INSIDE you. Is it the same as what's 
around you? Look back at your social media. Is it the same as 
what's inside you? Are you helping to end this division or 
perpetuate it? Are you posting all of this divisive crap? Are you 
reposting half-truths without researching them? Are you using 
the same manipulated statistics? Are you reposting the same 
old tired quotes? Are you being selfish or selfless? Do you 
want this to be YOUR country? Or would you rather have 
OUR country?

To have, and to hold...