Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Trump Wins and We ALL Lose or I'm Calling You Out, Bible Belt

           I am simply astounded by last night’s Super Tuesday results. I sat with my mouth gaping open as update after update came in. Really, Bible Belt? REALLY? What has happened to the part of the country I’ve always been so proud to call my point of origin? When did it become okay for someone like that to become a leader? I’m going to debunk some of the crap I keep hearing spewed about how “great” this man is and how he’s going to “make America great again”.
            The first piece of nonsense I’m hearing is that he’s “financing his own campaign.” Bull. If he were, there wouldn’t be a “donate” button on his website. He wouldn’t have raised 27.3 MILLION dollars to “finance” his campaign. No, it’s not as much as some, but, it’s not small change, either. Here’s another little thing for you to think about, he’s not a self-made man. He received a LARGE inheritance from his father, which he then used to build his “empire”. He also used the U.S. government to help restructure his businesses four times through Chapter 11. He did this four times. He got debt forgiveness and extended time to pay bills. Trust me, people, he’s not going to show you how to get rich. If he can’t manage his money or businesses without governmental intervention, how in the world is he going to manage a country that is trillions of dollars in debt? 


            Another piece of nonsense I hear is that he’s going to “protect us” from all of those “illegal immigrants”. You know the ones I’m talking about, the “murderers and rapists”.  Of all the rapes in the United States, 65% are done by WHITE AMERICANS. Of all the murders in the United States, 48.2 % are done by WHITE AMERICANS and 49.4% are done by BLACK AMERICANS. Of all the illegal immigrants in the United States, in 2013, eight, yes EIGHT were convicted of murder. Just in case that doesn’t make sense to you, look at it this way, that’s eight out of 11.2 MILLION illegal immigrants. They aren’t the ones doing the murdering and raping, here. Most of the ones I’ve met or seen are hard-working individuals trying to save money and send it back home to their families. Am I saying let everyone in who wants in? No. We need to support our own. We need to feed our hungry and homeless. But, let me remind you of Christ’s words in Matthew:

Matthew 25:42-46New International Version (NIV)

42 For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, 43 I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.’
44 “They also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?’
45 “He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’
46 “Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life.”
More nonsense is how he respects the “working man”. I struggle with how anyone could respect a man enough to vote for him when he has no respect for anyone other than himself. He is constantly belittling and putting down others for being different. His disdain for women is evident. How many do you think he will have in leadership positions when he’s done? He speaks out of both sides of his mouth. He says what people want to hear when they want to hear it. He’s making a mockery of diversity when his own family was immigrants. How many of your family were immigrants. Only part of mine was. How do you think he is going to act in a room full of foreign dignitaries? Does he really deserve to represent our country? Let me tell you what the Psalmist David has to say about that in Psalm 140:

3They make their tongues as sharp as a serpent’s;
the poison of vipers is on their lips.
8Do not grant the wicked their desires, Lord;
do not let their plans succeed.
11May slanderers not be established in the land;
may disaster hunt down the violent.

            I feel sorry for people who are listening to his words and taking them to heart. I feel sorry for people who believe he will truly do what he claims to do. When was the last time you voted for any politician who kept his or her word? It saddens me to think of all the people who are voting for him, particularly in the Bible Belt. How can they love all people as we are instructed, yet permit this person to become a leader when he has only love of self? He’s saying things and doing things that make me wonder how many people truly feel the way he feels in their hearts. How many of these people are actually closet racists? If the man is standing up there and making generalizations about people based on their race, he’s a racist. If you agree with him, so are you.
How many are actually more in love with this man for his money than his actions? He’s not putting any of that money to work for you. Do you REALLY think he’s going to stop the tax breaks his wealthy buddies get? He’s building an empire on poor people. How many gambling addicts support his empire? If it weren’t for people with addictions, he wouldn’t have the empire he has. Do you really want to be associated with that? Aren’t we, as Christians, supposed to be helping those in need and not making a profit off of them? How about this, how about people spend some time examining their hearts, examining the facts, examining the scripture, and then examining him. I think you will find some big discrepancies in what God says and what he says.